This week's TV Q&A responds to questions about "24," "Street Smarts" and how many episodes it takes to get to syndication nirvana.
As always, thanks for reading, and keep those questions coming.
Rob Owen, Post-Gazette TV editor

Did Wendy Bell have her baby? She hasn't been on the WTAE morning news for a week or so. Any details?
-- Lisa, Bethel Park
A: Just a vacation. She's not due until December.

Has NBC canceled "Fear Factor"?
-- Renee, Pittsburgh
A: Alas, no, "Fear Factor" will return at midseason (or, given the low ratings for "Surface," it could be sooner than that).

I have not been able to find out when the program "24's" new season begins. Hope you are able to tell me the time, day and station.
-- Kenneth C. Dainty, New Kensington
A: As always, "24" will air on Pittsburgh's Fox affiliate, WPGH, beginning in early 2006. The show premieres with episodes airing 8 to 10 p.m. Jan. 15 and Jan 16 before settling into its regular 9 p.m. Monday time slot on Jan. 23.

I saw in your Q&A you mentioned "Scrubs" is going to return soon. Is the show in any danger of being canceled? To me, it seems like one of NBC's few great and popular shows. I was stunned when it didn't appear on the fall schedule to start the season.
-- Anthony, Brookline
A: Much as I personally love "Scrubs" and agree with your assessment, the reality is it has never been a ratings hit. It does respectably, but not great. Fortunately, many of NBC's other shows do much worse, so as long as it returns and doesn't bomb in the ratings, it should be safe in the short-term.

I recently got a HD TV and am using a off-air antenna to receive the HD signal. I receive all local signs, except for KDKA, with excellent results. Is KDKA broadcasting in HD?
-- Leonard, Harrison City
A: KDKA is broadcasting in HD, and you should be able to get it. However, with digital signals, you either get a station or you do not. There's no in-between with fuzzy images like with an analog TV set. KDKA's Mark Etzi, director of engineering, suggests that by re-directing your antenna, you should be able to pick up the signal.

My wife and I sat down tonight to watch the "CSI" episode that aired on Sept. 29 on KDKA-HD, which we recorded on our Comcast DVR, and the sound was off. Specifically, there were no vocals, only background sound for at least the first 15 minutes (I deleted it after I checked that far). However, commercials were fine. Doing a Web search, I saw on one of your old Q&A's this problem has happened in the past ( and the problem was on KDKA's side.
I guess they had the same problem again with the 5.1 dolby HDTV broadcast? Any chance on KDKA rebroadcasting that episode?
-- George Gujski, Pittsburgh
A: An operator at the station forgot to throw a switch, affecting the sound on HD broadcasts. The station now has an automated device so that shouldn't happen again.
I'm sure that episode of "CSI" will turn up again on CBS as a rerun by the end of the year.

I have a question and a bit of a rant. Hope you can indulge me just a bit. I just reviewed the last week's videotape of what should have been "Street Smarts" and found only infomercials. (Recently "SS" had been airing from 3-3:30 a.m on Ch 19, WNPA.) Where has "Street Smarts" gone? Please tell me if it was moved to another time slot on WNPA or maybe another station.
-- Suzan Anderson, Pittsburgh
A: According to WNPA's program director, the show is no longer available to local stations in syndication. "Street Smarts" does air at 1 and 1:30 a.m. weekdays on GSN.

What is the criteria for a show to reach syndication? Is it 100 episodes or on air with first-run episodes for five years? It seems like many shows reach syndicated status rather quickly now.
(Also, as a side note, former WPXI newsman Kris Long is an anchor out here on CBS affiliate KPSP, and, boy, did they embellish his Pittsburgh accomplishments in announcing his arrival here!)
-- Brad Kohler, Palm Springs, Cailf.
A: Most shows still last at least four seasons before they hit syndication, which is about 88 episodes. But there can be exceptions.

Did Marsha Thomason leave NBC's "Las Vegas"? If so, why?
-- Jordan, Pittsburgh
A: Good question, alas, the only answer "Las Vegas" creator Gary Scott Thompson has given is that the actress was looking to do something different. Lame answer, I know.

When do you think Geico will relent on their advertising campaign? It has become so bothersome that I mute the sound or change channels to avoid hearing or seeing them. They claim to save you money on their rates, but how much could they reduce the rates if they weren't spending so much on advertising, whether they are paying cash or using trade?
-- Cece Simeon, Pittsburgh
A: I think all companies will continue their ad campaigns until they no longer consider them effective.

Why did UPN air "America's Next Top Model" repeats on Tuesdays, when they could have renewed "Kevin Hill" and aired it Tuesdays, making a better lead in for "Sex, Love and Secrets."
-- Parm, Kent, Wash.
A: Because it's a more cost-effective scheduling model. Plus, the network (and many critics, though not myself) thought "Kevin Hill" was a lost cause creatively.
I'm sick and tired of almost all critics going on and on and on about "Arrested Development"! We get, it you all like it. But, guess what -- WE DON'T. Hopefully, FOX will put you critics out of our misery and cancel the show. As I recall, wasn't it the 8th-rated show in it's time period this past week -- I know, I'm being sarcastic, sardonic or facetious, pick one. Almost every time I read something from most critics, there is always a mention about that show -- STOP THE INSANITY!!!
-- Scooter Peyser, West Hollywood
Rob: The only true insanity is that smart viewers are letting a funny, intelligent, goofy comedy slip away.

No question, just a thanks for the laughs ("Phone Call of the Week"). I can't believe people expect you to know and do all that for them.
Also, I was too lazy to tell you earlier that my wife and I were rolling with laughter when we watched the episode of "Dear John" when Jere Burns' character keeps spraying some kind of pheromone or aphrodisiac in his face. I really thought that was kind of a lame show, but I like Judd Hirsch and watched a few episodes. The show left such an impression that I had to look up the name of the show and the character names, but I'll never forget Jere Burns and the spray can!
Keep up the good work. I'm not one to watch much TV (I think cable is too expensive and don't have it) but I enjoy reading your reviews and Q&A.
-- Michael, Bethel Park
Rob: Thanks, Michael!
"I think if they did, um, uh, 'George Washington 1775' and did the true history and got Charlton Heston to play George Washington, I think they would have a great movie that would also teach the people and bring pride into the American culture. I also think Gene Hackman would make an excellent Thomas Jefferson. I don't have the whole cast. I know Charlton Heston is sick. I don't know if he would play the role. I wish you'd ask him though. Thank you."
Rob: To the Hestonphone!
First Published: October 7, 2005, 4:00 a.m.